Thursday, June 14, 2012

So how have I lost the weight, you ask....?

Two weeks after having my fourth baby (late January 2011), I was seeing a lot of Weight Watchers commercials on TV.  They taunted me.  Dared me.  "C'mon, you can do it this time....really you can. *snicker giggle giggle hardy-har-har*."  I had never tried Weight Watchers.  Of all the diets out there, this was the one I hadn't done.  

To quote myself, "Why did I 'weight' so long?"  

I joined the monthly program and starting going to the Saturday 7:00AM meetings and I've never looked back.  I hear a lot of the people at meetings say they're back or they're on their 5th try, etc.  This blows me away: if it's working for me the first time, why doesn't it work for them the first time, too? 

I can't speak for anyone else, but I can speak for myself.  It works because it's livable.  But mostly because I have adopted a philosophy that this is a lifestyle not a diet and I will NOT go back.  I eat whatever I want.  Really!  Not to say I swim in a tub of macaroni and cheese completely oblivious to what it will do to my thighs.  But more that if I want a food, I eat it in moderation.  Or I adjust how it's made (less fat or less of a rich ingredient).  Or I just steer clear of the "bad stuff" all together.

It's funny that I still call it that - the "bad stuff" - even though on Weight Watchers no food is off limits or "bad".  It's sort of like a curse word: the word itself isn't bad, it's the meaning or reason put behind it that gives it its power.  

I have given food a lot of power over my lifetime.  I can't lie, it still has power over me.  I've been a food sneaker my entire life (another story for another day).  I continue to be a food sneaker.  

My success on WW is because of two things: I track every ounce of food I put in my mouth and I exercise like a fiend and track every minute (I'll come back to these things soon).  

So that's how I've done it, in a teeny-tiny nutshell.  I'm excited to share the journey with anyone, so here's to more writing......on another day.

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