Sunday, June 10, 2012

In my opening, I referenced a story I promised to tell.  Here's the story:

The university where I completed my degree this year is about an hour from my house. Usually, I listen to music and sing, maybe dance a bit (well, as much "dancing" as you can do while's more of a wiggle), and occasionally act like a grown-up and listen to the news.  

One morning, I was driving to class and my neck itched a bit.  So I scratched.  And then I flew into a panic: there was a really hard bump just below and to the right of my neck.  I freaked out.  "Great! I'm finally trying to get myself into shape and now I've got cancer.  Really??!??"  

I drink coffee in the morning and I guess I'd either had too much, which sent my thoughts scurrying.  Or maybe I hadn't had enough and just wasn't awake yet.  Whatever the case, I pretty freaked out.  

I rubbed the bump again.  "What in the world is that?" I thought.  Suddenly, the left side of my neck itched.  So I scratched that side.  The same bump was there!  




You're kidding??!!??

I HAVE COLLAR BONES!!!!  Yeehaw!!!!

Having heard that other people broke collar bones and since I had completed an entire semester in Anatomy and Physiology, I knew collar bones existed.  But I couldn't remember the last time I knew I had them too!  What a revelation!

After my discovery, it was difficult to collect myself.  Between my laughter for being dumbfounded at my new discovery and the sheer joy I felt, I found it a challenge to stay on the road.  To keep everyone safe, I pulled over to the side of the road and laughed until I cried.  Eventually, I was able to get back on the road and make it to class on time.  

At this point in my weight-loss journey, many people had made comments about how I looked, how much weight I'd lost, and how proud they were of me.  But this was the first real affirmation I had noticed personally.  

Since my discovery, my collar bones are even more pronounced.  I admire them.  Quite honestly, they fascinate me.  Probably because I hadn't seen them in so long: they had been covered by all my extra "layers" for so many years.  

My collar bones are a measurement of how far I've come.  I've lost a lot of sizes, inches, pounds, etc.  But those are things I can't really remember having, even though they are significant indicators of my progress.  I know what size I was (32 at my largest, if you must know) and how many pounds and inches I've lost.  But my collar bones stare me in the face every time I look in the mirror.  They glare at me.  It's great!  


What's your "collar bone"?  What helps you measure your success?  Pounds and sizes are stressful.  They are also how society says we should measure our weight-loss success.  I challenge you to find a new measurement for your success.  I'm not saying pounds and inches and sizes aren't important, but they may not be what keeps you focused or motivated.  Finding something you can hold onto, that keeps you grounded, will ensure greater success.  When I feel down about a weigh-in because I gained or didn't lose as much as I thought I should, I look in the mirror and see my collar bones.  They seem to tell me, "You've come a long way.  I will be there to keep you going, to keep you focused, and to remind you what you've accomplished to find me."

Find your "collar bone".  You never know - it might be staring you in the face right now telling you exactly what you need to hear.  

1 comment:

  1. I felt the same way when I found mine! Better than cleavage!
