Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Exercise is a "four-letter word"

I really hate exercise.  Really, really, I hate the word exercise.  When I hear the word I want no part in it, what it means, or for what it stands.  

I really love activity.  Really, really, I love the word activity.  When I hear the word I want to be it, do it, and I love for what it stands.  

You see, exercise is a "four-letter word", but activity will get me out of the door every time.  

Sometimes to encourage yourself to do something you just have to name it something else.  When we were in school, if the teacher said, "Let's go sweat to death outside!" you would have run screaming to the nurse's station faking a belly-ache.  But if she had said it was time for recess, you couldn't have gotten out of the door fast enough to beat your friends to the best swing on the playground.  

Admit, it really was the same thing, but because a more palatable word was used, you were much more willing to do it.  

It's just like that now for me as a grown-up.  The thought of exercise gives me a belly-ache, but activity makes me want to get outside or on a treadmill and enjoy myself.  

As you know, I'm doing the Weight Watchers program.  They are the one's who taught me this magical word, activity.  I know activity and exercise are really the same thing, but activity just sounds so much better.  Active sounds productive.  "Exercise" just sounds like you're trying to get rid of a pea-soup-spitting-demon-possessed little girl.  

So what constitutes "activity"?  Anything.  Everything.  Here are just a few things I have logged (and yes, I log everything I eat and every activity I do) as activity since beginning WW last year:

Walking the dog
Swimming laps
Stationary bike
Playing with the kids in the yard
Playing with the kids in the house
Chasing a toddler
Shopping for more than an hour
Cybex machines
Weight lifting
Cleaning out my basement
Cleaning my bathrooms
Cleaning the kitchen
(OK, any cleaning activity, because I hate and logging it makes me more motivated to do it)
Wii Just Dance
Wii Fit
Nautilus machines
Going to Six Flags
Yard work
Mowing the lawn
......the list goes on and on.

I've found my favorites are the Cybex elliptical, bootcamp, Zumba, and nautilus.  They give me the maximum amount of activity in the least amount of time.  

You have to find what speaks to you.  If you hate running, like I do, don't do it.  If you have two left feet, don't do Zumba.  Actually, strike that - I have two left feet and I adore Zumba.  Don't be afraid to try something - anything - you think might appeal to you.  Find a buddy to encourage you if it will help. 

I wish I had gotten active right out of the gate when starting WW.  I didn't start any sort of activity until June 1, 2011.  But this is definitely another story for another day.....

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