Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Everyone needs to be "Miss America" at some point.

I have to admit, one of the oddest things I hear (almost daily) is "You're such an inspiration!"

Who? Me? (As I turn my head to look for someone behind me)

Sure, after losing 175 pounds I could be seen as an inspiration.  Finishing my degree, certification, and starting my masters is pretty awesome.   A lot has happened since I last blogged (almost a year ago - yikes!).

But the most important thing that has happened to me is that I have been inspired.  I'm in the "home stretch" now - the last three pounds to my goal weight.  It takes a lot of inspiration and motivation to get to this point.  That's why I am so grateful to the people in my life who have given me reason to celebrate.

I feel a "Miss America" moment coming, so here it goes.  And so as not to offend, I am listing these by the order they pop into my head, not necessarily by their impact or importance in my life.

My Mom - Between babysitting, running kids, potty training, putting up with my workout schedule, and all the other mess I lean on her for.  The kids have a strong, supportive, loving environment because of you - Thank you!

Hubby - You have made this journey an enjoyable one for so many reasons.  While I can't stand how scrawny you are even after eating an entire pizza, bag of chips, regular soda, and bologna sandwiches every day, you have been an unbelievable support and I love you.  Truly.

My boys: Trey, Nathan, and Gabriel - You guys are my world and I love you more than you'll ever know.  Being able to keep up with you is so much of the reason I began this journey.  I hope I have shown and will continue to show you what a strong, intelligent woman can do.  And quit getting so tall......

My daughter, Anna - We've had some rough times during this journey but I know that we are stronger because of them.  I love you to the moon and back.  I hope you see in me that being strong and intelligent are good qualities in a woman.  You already are, so I can't wait to see these qualities flourish in you.  Oh, yeah - quit getting so tall.....

Carrie and Laura - I'm not sure what to say except "Thank you".  You will never know what your friendship has meant to me.  How you two have inspired and pushed me is immeasurable.  And having fun on this journey has been paramount to my success and you two have certainly brought the fun.  :)

My other Y family - I never would have thought of my closest friends as coming from a place with torture equipment.  And that we voluntarily subject ourselves to it and all those classes?  Being around wonderful people like you makes it so much easier to tolerate the sweat, bad dance floors, and inadequate air conditioning.  Thank you.

My WW family - My leader Tracy, everyone that works at the center in Edwardsville, and everyone that attends the meetings there - What a great group of folks.  You are most of the reason I don't miss a meeting.  I would be lost without you all and I'm so appreciative of the encouragement you give me.

Nitro, Nicole, and Roger - Three of the most wonderful fitness folks I have ever met.  Because of all of your classes, I am stronger, leaner, thinner (duh), and better.  Even when I think I can't go any further, I find it within myself to push harder and faster and farther than I ever thought I could.  You are the reason I look like I do.  That food part - pfft - we all know it's the burpees and salsa dancing that do it, right?

Michelle L - We did so much of this journey together.  You encouraged me to do things I never thought I'd do, you offered support to me when you were having your own difficulties.  For this I am so grateful and I look forward to seeing you on this journey again.

My church family and the newly formed support group - What an awesome group of ladies to call "friend"!  I am so happy to have all of you in my life and to get the chance to offer to you what I have learned.  Thank you for giving me that opportunity.  God knew what he was doing when he guided me to Zion four years ago.

"Old" friends - Facebook is an amazing tool!  To be able to reconnect with others from my past (having been a military kid and moving all the time made it hard to keep in contact) has been fantastic!  You're words of encouragement and support have helped me trudge along during those hard moments. Even when you had no idea, you helped me.  Thank you.

All the Facebook pages I follow - DTP, Skinny Mom, Skinny Jeans Dreams, et al: Thank you for your pics and quotes and words of advice.  Such great information and resources are available for the taking.

And to my Lord and Savior - You know.  And I know that you know.  :)

I sure hope I didn't forget anyone specific, but in case I did I am sorry.  But know that for everyone in my life I am so grateful.  Even those who don't know me - you never know whose life you will affect.  I know I never knew I would affect so many people's lives.  At least that's what they tell me.



  1. You are my go-to girl now, you know. Yes, the weight loss is inspirational BUT getting another degree, raising 4 kids, and working puts you in a whole 'nother league! I know you will help me get through these next 35 and after we'll have to meet up and celebrate our awesomeness!!! Maybe we'll have to do alumni band- LOL! Kidding... only sort of- hehe! YOU GO GIRL!!!!!

  2. Awesome! Can't wait to hear the whooping and hollering at GOAL! :)
