Thursday, September 20, 2012

What track are you on?

I went on vacation with the kids this summer and every day since I've thought, "I really need to get back to my blog.  I miss it".  So here I am.....months later.  But I'm still on the same mission and am still on track.  What track?

*  I'm so close to hitting my next weight goal I can smell it (it smells like sweat, if you must know). It's only 3.2 pounds away.  It's a weight I haven't seen since I was 14 or so.  If I don't hit it this week, I should hit it the next (I go to WW religiously at 6:30 on Saturday mornings).
*  I am 12 pounds from losing 100 pounds at WW.  I'm hoping to hit this goal by Thanksgiving.  That seems a long way away, but I have to be a realistic and while on this journey I've come to realize (thanks to my friend, Michelle) that I can do the work but my body is going to lose the weight on IT'S schedule, not mine.  By the way, that twelve pounds will put my grand total at 154 lost since my highest weight.  That's the size of a grown woman!!!!
*  I will have eight more pounds off by Christmas (twenty from now).  Surprisingly, Thanksgiving and Christmas aren't what I'm worried about: it's Halloween.  I'm a candy junky!  I have resolved to allow myself two pieces of my choice per day.  No, I don't trick-or-treat.  I steal from the kids.  In the middle of the night.  While they're asleep.  I'm still a food-sneaker, candy-a-holic, and apparently the only person I know who does this.
* I will have ten more pounds off by Valentine's Day (thirty from now).  Just say no to chocolate covered strawberries.  Oh, wait....strawberries are zero points and the chocolate would be so worth it. A box of 6, please, Hubby!
*  I will be at goal by our anniversary (March 11).  That's only seven more pounds from the last goal and thirty-nine pounds from now.  I will also be within hours of finishing my internship at this point.  This goal puts me at a grand total loss of 181.  That's more than Hubby weighs right now.  It's fun to think I've "lost him" without really losing him.  :)
*  I will be a lifetime member of Weight Watchers by my birthday (May 1).  I will be FORTY!  So many things to celebrate: becoming a lifetime member, completing school, being gainfully employed again (hopefully), surviving the first year of high school, middle school, and kindergarten for three of my kiddos, the joy raising the kidlets, the love of a wonderful man, and a mother who has supported me and our family in every way possible through the entire journey.

You might ask, "Why would thirty-nine pounds take you seven more months"?  Well, partly because it's taken twenty months to lose ninety pounds.  And because I know the last little bit is the hardest to deal with.  I know that seven months is a reasonable amount of time and gives me wiggle room in case my beloved body doesn't participate as well as my mind.  It's 5.57 pounds per month.  Totally doable.

So, what goals have you set for yourself?

1 comment:

  1. So, Elizabeth, give me the hard sell on Weight Watchers. You know that I have an unusual situation in that my body has very impaired fat metabolism due to a fatty acid oxidation disorder. I have a very difficult time cutting back on carbohydrates without feeling nauseated all the time, thus, my dependence on simple carbs (and a resulting 50-lb weight gain). Other than sugar-sweetened drinks, I eat fairly healthfully already, but this overabundance of carbs has done me in. However, passing out while driving my three kids around simply isn't an option :( Adding more protein to my daily intake helps a little bit, but fails to adequately stabilize my blood sugar levels like it would in someone with a normal metabolism.

    Do you think that Weight Watchers could help? I've looked at their site time and again, but have always found some reason not to join (mainly expense, as we run a tight ship on the budget in my household). You do the point system, right?
