Sunday, September 29, 2013


I'd like to take a moment to address the word "only".

I find this is a word in the fitness/weight loss word that is the kiss of death.  For example, "I only ate half" or "I only walked a mile today".

The worst?  "I only lost half of a pound/one pound/two pounds this week".

Let me put this in perspective for you: I have been going to Weight Watchers since January of 2011 (let's call it 136 weeks).  If I'd only lost a pound a week, I would've been at my goal 3 months ago.  Sure, I'd have been there a year ago had I lost two pounds a week.  But you know what?  I went through a lot in the last year that has helped me be better and stronger in this process and I wouldn't trade a minute of it.  I don't think a year ago I was ready to be at this stage of my journey (I reached my goal yesterday - 177 pounds removed).  I surely wasn't as active on a regular basis as I am now, I hadn't plateaued very much at that point (plateaus are an excellent way to practice for the way life will be for the rest of my life.  At least that's what I've taught myself), and I hadn't developed enough or strong enough relationships with people who I knew could keep me going and help me maintain my weight loss.

Here's another way of thinking of the word "only"......
Do you hold yourself accountable for only having one more serving of mashed potatoes?  Do you hold yourself accountable to only one more slice of pizza?  Do you hold yourself accountable for saying "It's only one day I won't exercise"?  Do you hold yourself accountable for only eating one more handful of candy?

If you're going to beat yourself up about only losing a half pound/one pound/two pounds, then why don't you beat yourself up about not making all the other healthy decisions you could make each day?

This is only my perspective and I hope it helps.  Could you imagine me saying "I only lost 177 pounds"?  I like to replace "only" in that sentence with "really".

So try that the next time you want to say "I only....."

I really lost a half a pound!
I really lost a pound this week!
I really lost two pounds this week!
I really ate the entire bag of candy.
It was really one day I didn't go exercise.

"It's really my life I'm changing".  Put "only" back in there.....
"It's only my life I'm changing".  That's not true.  You're changing other lives, whether it be your kids, or spouse, or friends, or whoever.

You never know who you are inspiring.

And believe me.....YOU are inspiring.  ;)

1 comment:

  1. Amazing how one word can completely change your attitude and perspective.
