Sunday, September 8, 2013

I hate restaurants.

I do.  I really do.  I haven't figured if it's my loathing of their giant portions, lack of healthier fare, or my total distrust in my own willpower.

I don't eat out very often at all.  I like the idea of someone else doing all of the work.   That's about where my tolerance of restaurants ends.  However, I live in the real world and I know that eating out occasionally happens, even in my world.

So, how do I dine away from home successfully?  Here's what I do.  Usually.  Well, I try to, anyway:

1.  I decide if the meal is to celebrate or is it to just get something in my belly.  If it's to celebrate, I probably have planned ahead and know where I'm eating.  Therefore I can research the menu ahead of time (most places have their menus on their website) and plan accordingly.  In these instances, I give myself permission to eat something I wouldn't otherwise cook at home, something special.  And regardless of the nutritional value, I enjoy myself.  Seriously.
2.  If it's to nourish myself rather than to celebrate, I try to keep to my go-to places.  These would be instances when I'm caught away from home unexpectedly.  My go-to casual places are Subway, Cracker Barrel, Ruby Tuesday, and Applebee's.  While none of these are by any means my favorite places to eat, I know I can do well there.  Everyone knows Jared lost a lot of weight at Subway, so that's self explanatory.  But Cracker Barrel?  The home of biscuits and gravy and that life-changing hash brown casserole!  But they have a blackened catfish that's really good.  Pair that with three sides of green veggie and I'm full and guilt-free.  Applebee's has a WW friendly menu if you look for the WW items.  I'm not a huge fan of their selections but they're OK.  Ruby Tuesday has an all you can eat salad bar.  I pair that (sans cheeses, meats, and high fat dressings, etc.) with the three veggie plate (spaghetti squash, grilled zucchini, and asparagus are my favorites).  I'm not going to lie - I go a little crazy at a salad bar.
3.  But when I'm caught off guard and I see cheesy, fried, wonderfulness staring me in the face, it is much more difficult.
     a. avoid the salads at all cost.  Most restaurant salads have a ridiculous amount of calories.  Plus, they're not filling and their pretty generic.
     b. ask if it's possible for accommodations to be made to your menu choice.  Most places are willing to do this because they want you to come back and tell your friends you had a great experience.  But, if they won't.....
     c.  choose a high protein, lean meat something.  This could be the generic grilled chicken breast or a lean piece of fish. But get interesting.....
     d.  choose the burger sans bun.  You could ask for lettuce leaves and make a low-carb wrap.  If you don't want to ask for modifications, just don't eat the bun when it comes to you.  Or ask for every veggie under the sun for your burger and use half of the bun.  Burgers are actually a great way to eat out, look like a "normal person" and still get to eat a lot.  Plus, they're fun and seem so much worse for you than they actually are.  And don't get cheese on it.  Duh......or mayonnaise.
    e.  Ask for an alternate side.  Choose a baked potato over fries.  Ask if they have a steamed veggie option.  Or this is the instance to order a salad, without all the cheese, croutons, and bacon.  Ask for a light dressing.  If they don't have one, maybe they have salsa - this makes a great way to dress a salad!
   f.  I love Mexican food.  Fajitas are a great option.  And you can ask them for no sour cream and no cheese, if you'd like.  They'll even keep the tortillas if you ask them.  But if you love these things, I say eat them.  Sadly, I despise green peppers.  If I'm not confident when I ask for no green peppers that I won't actually have green peppers on my plate, I will usually go with a shredded meat choice, like a shredded chicken burrito.  But I will get salsa verde on instead of enchilada or cheese sauce. But what about the chips and salsa?  You could turn them away.  But I have found that some places have carrot or celery sticks they'll give me instead.  Hooray for options!
  g. Stay away from Italian places at all costs unless it's a celebration.  'Nuf said.
  h.  Shrimp or crab.  If these options are available, as long as they're not fried, go there.

Some random tips for eating out:
*  Be the first to order at your table.  Then don't change your mind.
*  Ask for a half portion or ask for a to-go container to come out with your plate and box half of that pile of food away.  Take it out to your car if you're worried you'd eat it while sitting there.  I totally would.
*  Order off the appetizer menu.  And maybe a side vegetable.  A la carte can be your friend.
*  Ask questions, but be polite.  You'd be amazed what a server is willing to ask the kitchen to do if you're complimentary and friendly to them.
*  Ask for the hidden menu.  Panera has a hidden menu.  Look it up - it's delicious!
*  Share with a friend.
*  Order off the kids menu.  I eat a happy meal at McDonald's every now and then.  I could get the southwest chicken salad and dressing for 9 points or I can get a cheeseburger happy meal for 11.  I'd rather spend the 11 and have salty cheesiness and a baby portion of fries. And apples.  So I even have dessert.  :D
*  Soup is a good option, too.  Just don't choose the clam chowder or creamy-pot-of-calories version.  Chicken noodle and especially French onion (without the crouton and cheese) are great ways to fill your belly for a small amount of calories and to not feel deprived.  Try the French onion soup without the topping - the soup is really made of onions.  Huh, who knew?  ;)
*  Don't eat off your kids' plates when they don't finish.  This counts at home, too.
*  If you really want dessert, those shot glass versions are perfect!  If not, ask for one dessert for the table.  As long as you like your company enough, you won't mind clinking spoons, right?

That's about all that comes to mind at this point.  If you have a specific situation, please ask.  I've probably encountered it.  But after talking about all this food, I need a snack now.  And I don't do hungry.

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